The CPIR Introductory and Advanced Courses:


We have now trained over 2,500 insider threat managers, analysts, consulting psychologists, HR professionals, and data scientists in the Critical Pathway and successfully transitioned to virtual training. We have also designed and delivered individual programs for specific client needs, including courses for analysts, HR personnel, law enforcement, and forensic psychologists. Course evaluations for our recent programs with client feedback can be found below.

Registration for our online Spring course is now OPEN!

The Advanced Course requires completion of the Introductory Course due to the content covered and practice exercises involved. Participants may enroll for either or both courses & receive certification for each. Most participants elect to take both courses sequentially within the week. If you have questions about Course content, timing (be aware of international time conversions) or the class that is right for you, please contact us.

Course Syllabus can be found here
Course Testimonials can be found here
